We’re Here For You

Living Well in the Second Half of Life
We’re a gathering place for empty nesters and others in the second half of life. For parents, when the big shift occurs after grown children leave home to lead their own lives, a common theme is change with the need to adapt. But we all might ask “What’s next?” from middle-age forward, and look for ways to find enjoyment. To remain relevant and engaged in life. And protect our health as we age. To this end, we offer a variety of inspiring feature stories, interviews with experts, and more. We’re also an interactive site, sharing ideas and experiences through our comments sections.
The second half of life can bring a great deal of change, as well as a host of new and exciting possibilities for living well. Let’s explore it all, together. We invite you to scroll down and get to know us.
From our readers: “I love your website! What great articles and inspiring ideas.” “Your website is exquisite! And so helpful.” “We will encourage our friends to visit the website. Well done.”

Hello! I’m Lisa, Founder of the Empty Nest Network. We’re a brand new website with an array of offerings we think you’ll enjoy at this stage of life. From seeing a grown child off into the world, to seeing them marry. From becoming a grandparent, to enjoying retirement. We’ll have conversations about these things and more, and I’ll bring you sources of insight and information for living well at every stage going forward.
Our very special Showcase section is sure to inspire when you see what our featured empty nester parents, some who are well into the second half of life, are up to. You’ll appreciate their candor as they share their experiences, wisdom, and how they arrived at where they are today. Some of them have products, services or websites you might enjoy knowing about.
Visiting experts will weigh in on a variety of relevant topics, such as adjusting to life in an empty nest…how life changes can affect our relationships…financial and retirement planning…fitness…and managing our health as we age.
Let us be your “go-to” for the exchange of ideas and information. We hope you’ll actively comment underneath each article on our site, as well as in our Conversations section, where you’ll enjoy our wide range of topics related to what our experts and showcase parents are saying — and much more. As our network grows, so will our content and sections including Tips, Health & Fitness articles, Recipes and Quotes.
We invite you to visit often and grow right along with us! Let the Empty Nest Network help light your way as you consider “what’s next” for you, at every stage. Keep scrolling to enjoy our articles.
From Our Showcase
Showcase update – Pam Lamp now hosts podcasts for her website and has written her first book which is getting great early reviews
Recently I ran into my friend Pam Lamp by chance at the Savannah airport. We had a terrific catch-up conversation and she shared with me what she's been up to with her pursuits. Pam is making wonderful strides with her website whoimettoday and she's added terrific...
Read how a major mishap in mid-life led Jane Sallee to find her niche and an altogether new kind of happiness
Jane had experienced more than her share of heartache and loss, which included repeatedly losing the very way of life she loved. Learn how she unexpectedly found herself in the right place at the right moment to discover a brand new calling and deeply satisfying...
Meet Molly Boren Whitney and Gary Whitney: Learn how the couple blended their love of the humanities to enhance their lives and benefit others
What happens when two talented individuals with huge hearts and the desire to do for others fall in love later in life? Houstonians Molly Boren Whitney and Gary Whitney, ages 84 and 82 respectively and married almost 12 years, have combined their creative...
From The Experts
Happiness as a prescription for easing chronic pain: Meet Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Monroe Laborde
The Why and How of Happiness (and pain reduction) While visiting family in Louisiana recently I got into a conversation with my brother-in-law, Dr. Monroe Laborde, about chronic pain. As an orthopaedic specialist and surgeon, he is of course an advocate of staying...
Money matters more than ever in the second half of life: A Visit from Financial Expert Ryan Malec
It's here: A concise, financial go-to guide with helpful links for getting key money matters in order for your retirement security. As an empty nester - or anyone in the second half of life - you might be wondering if you've taken care of your different financial...
What to expect in the first year of your empty nest: A Visit From Mary Jo Rapini, LPC
According to Houston psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini, the ways in which you respond to an empty nest during the very first year can have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Even “seasoned” empty nesters can benefit from the insights in this article: And just...
A super easy holiday entertaining idea
Want to have a couple of friends over during the holiday without having to fuss over an appetizer to serve them? One that is appealing and easy? My...
The importance of friendships in our empty nest years
What would we do without our friends, especially after our children leave home? Friends are built-in support for talking together about our empty...
The subtleness of empty nest grief
"...With any grief, especially with empty nest, you’ll usually see 6-9 months of “floundering around”. A woman might come in worrying a lot...
Sharing a tasty and simple weeknight fish recipe
I make this flavorful and healthy New York Times fish recipe often, especially in warmer months. My husband and I both enjoy it. Straight out of my...
Couples and money
"I can’t emphasize enough the value of creating a shared financial vision with your spouse. Open and honest discussions about financial goals and...
Healthy snacks don’t have to be boring
As we age most of us start getting advice from our doctors to aim for healthier foods to keep weight and cholesterol in check and to control our...