If you’re like I am you hate to part with the pretty holiday cards you receive. I’ve never considered myself to be good at crafting, but an idea a relative gave me has been a lot of fun and satisfying to be able to put old cards to good use that can be enjoyed by others. All you need are different colored permanent pens and a hole puncher.

How to go about it? Throughout the year when I have free time I look through the cards and decide what parts. I might cut the cover off a card, or part of the design from the cover. I also at the inside greetings and cut the ones I think I can use.

When it comes time to wrap gifts, I choose my wrapping paper and ribbon first, and let my repurposed cards inspire me for color and style. It can be exciting to see themes and “looks” come together. Below are some of my past giftwraps. All of the gift tags shown are harvested from greeting cards. You can get as formal or as casual and fun as your cards allow you to. I also save and re-use the previous tags I’ve made for my immediate family. Hope you enjoy this tip! (Photos provided by Empty Nest Network).

(f you have an easy holiday giftwrap or decorating tip you’d like us to consider publishing on our website you are welcome to go to our Contact page and submit it to us. The photo must be your own).

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