Recently I ran into my friend Pam Lamp by chance at the Savannah airport. We had a terrific catch-up conversation and she shared with me what she’s been up to with her pursuits. Pam is making wonderful strides with her website whoimettoday and she’s added terrific podcasts to her interviews with all kinds of interesting people. One of her latest is with Aimee Oates, wife of the famous musician John Oates (of Hall and Oates). You’ll hear in Pam’s podcase how Aimee, who had been busy and happy while raising their son on the road with John, found herself feeling a lack of purpose once her son had graduated. Learn how an adult aptitude test led Aimee straight to her “IT” – her passion project that she’d never before even thought of considering. What Aimee does now taps into her abilities with the added benefit of helping others in a truly meaningful way. Here’s Pam’s podcast with Aimee.

Pam also told me about the book Pam has just written, Do The Next New Thing. We’re delighted to share her book announcement with you:

From Pam: “I’m happy—and a little nervous too!— to announce that Do the Next New Thing arrives in the world on August 6, 2024.” Pre-orders now available on Amazon. “Like a conversation with a good friend, this book shows readers what can happen when we take a step back, embrace uncertainty, and let go of control.”

Empty Nest Network was able to read an advance copy of Pam’s book and here are our thoughts:

Pam has written a delightful, up-close account of her empty nest journey and mid-life move to a new city. She shows us how she radically transformed her life since that time, paving the way for what she does, quite successfully, today. In her friendly, honest and conversational way Pam – a ball of energy and determination – shares a variety of experiences that have brought her exponential personal growth, thanks to her refusal to allow a sense of stagnation or lack of purpose in the second half of her life. You will admire Pam’s candor as she shares uncomfortable personal experiences many of us will identify with. You’ll cheer her on for overcoming fear, frustration and loneliness as she climbs and stays on top of the interesting world she has created for herself. Her book is filled to the brim with great ideas, relatable anecdotes, and inspiration for finding happiness and staying relevant at this stage of life. Pam offers areas of her book for your own journaling and self-discovery. You’ll be inspired and feel like you’ve made a new friend. – Empty Nest Network

Warmest congratulations to Pam Lamp from Empty Nest Network!

(Photos in this article provided by Pam Lamp)

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